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Style Profile… Adrianna Glaviano

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#1 The Sartorialist

The Sartorialist

  • Ambasadiani MI1-e
  • StellaStellaStellaStellaStellaStella
  • Messaggi: 2,639

Inviato 16 January 2012 - 21:00:45

Immagine inviata

Current profession?




First job? 


I was a dog walker in high school. It was great because I love dogs and lived in Brooklyn, on the edge of Prospect Park, so I had an excuse to walk through that beautiful park every day!

Do you have any heirlooms that you cherish?


My mother’s gold earring from Africa– It’s a large detailed elephant head. The post goes through the back of your ear instead of the front, curving down so it dangles perfectly. I’ve never seen anything as beautiful in a shop. She had bought only one.

Most memorable gift you’ve received?


My sister gave (well, lent) me a [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Land 195 polaroid camera[/color][/color] which I love using! I’m a photographer and collect film cameras.


I recorded a cover of a [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Lee Hazlewood[/color][/color] song for my father’s birthday, which was the most fun but time consuming gift I’ve given to someone else.



Immagine inviataWhose photographic style has influenced your own?


I think [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Vivian Maier[/color][/color] is amazing. She hid her photographs her whole life until a man found them, purely by chance, in a box at a garage sale. She wasn’t shooting for anyone but herself. I wish sometimes I approached things that purely.  With photography more digitally based now, the science of it has become less of a focus for many photographers.


My father is a photographer and I’ve watched him on shoots since I was very small.  We actually lived in his photo studio in New York for years where I was exposed to so many different people. I shoot with film, and he’s very strict about it, encouraging digital, but I think he uses Photoshop too much… so I guess it goes both ways!!


Which shop could you spend the whole day in?


I love the open-air vintage market near my home in Milano where I find vintage lamps and old milk bottles to put flowers in. [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Shakespeare & Co.[/color][/color] is great for various editions of books with interesting cover art, like [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Murakami’s[/color][color= #c33500;]IQ84[/color][/color], which is both an amazing story and visual object.


Wardrobe staples?


Bags large enough to fit a camera or two! I have some great vintage army backpacks (I love backpacks) from  [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Kiliwatch in Paris[/color][/color], and simple [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Baggu bags[/color][/color]. Also a few patterned dresses, black cashmere sweaters (My dad accidentally shrunk a few Prada ones, I wear them all the time), and flat vintage leather shoes.


Daily reads?


I read The New York Times every day.  Other favorites include[color= #c33500;] [color= #c33500;]McSweeney’s Lucky Peach[/color][/color], [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]The Plant Journal[/color][/color], and [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Casa Vogue[/color][/color].


Most stylish movie?


[color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Pierrot le Fou[/color][/color] by Godard… It’s so simple and stylish.  [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Anna Karina[/color][/color] can pull off anything!


Skincare/ Cologne?


I love Kiehls, especially the [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]herbal spot treatment[/color][/color], and I’ve used Palmer’s Cocoa Butter since I was a kid.  I use light scents like rosewater and almond.

Immagine inviata



Cooking, I try new recipes all the time! I look at [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]food gawker[/color][/color] and [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]spoon fork bacon[/color][/color] pretty often.  In summer I make a great watermelon salad, and for winter a pasta with ragu sauce; it takes 5 hours and is definitely worth it.


What do you never consider an indulgence?


Food and wine! I never think twice about spending money on either one.


Drink of choice?


A Bloody Mary from [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Cape Town[/color][/color] in Milano or [color= #c33500;][color= #c33500;]Brooklyn Social [/color][/color]on Smith Street in Brooklyn.


How has your style evolved over the past 5 years? 


I now have a more confident understanding of what I like, so I’ve become comfortable wearing brighter colors and more feminine pieces, like a nice dress or lingerie.


What do you wear when traveling?


Stretchy maxi dresses, big soft sweaters (nothing tight) and slip on shoes.


Never caught in…?



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